FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
What’s included in my kit?
See our Products page for what is included in the three kits we offer.
Can I reuse the game cards?
Yes! Simply wipe your card using a cloth or paper towel and the included Dry Erase Cleaner and Hand Sanitizer.
What levels of cognition does MemaRang fit?
MemaRang has games suitable for Typical Healthy Elderly, Mild Cognitive Imperative, Moderate Cognitive Imperative, and Severe Cognitive Imperative. You can see games aligned to these levels on our Game Chart.
What are the training and support options for MemaRang?
Both weekly online live and 24/7 on-demand training are available. See our Training page for more information.
We have constant turn over – what training is required to utilize MemaRang effectively?
All games are based on well-known and familiar game structures, so training is minimal. Additionally game cards are coded by level to easily identify the most appropriate activities for a wide range of cognitive levels. And finally, we offer quick and simple training videos each game and activity.
What is Reminiscence Therapy?
Reminiscence Therapy (RT) is a treatment that uses all the senses to help individuals with dementia remember events, people, and places from their past lives. RT helps with conditions that impact memory and brain function. It has successfully treated people with dementia. This means it could also help with diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's.
How heavy and durable is the kit case?
Our Combination Kit is packaged in an exceptionally durable hard shell case and offered with or without wheels. Our Level 1 and Level 2 Kits are packaged in heavy hardboard boxes with magnetic closure
How do I determine which games to play with our residents who have different levels of cognitive skills?
Use our convenient Game Chart, How MemaRang Aligns with Four Cognitive Stages.
What has MemaRang done to factor in various typical resident conditions like diminished vision, dexterity, cognitive levels, etc.?
All games are designed with large lettering and contrasting bright colors. Kits also include oversized dice, markers and large print playing cards. The Game Chart aids in determining the appropriate games for varying cognitive levels.